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HIV May Increase Risk Of Other Illnesses

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - There was a time - not that long ago - when HIV was considered a death sentence. But with major research and newer drugs it is being controlled more and more like a chronic illness. This means people with HIV are living longer. But does HIV increase the risk of other illnesses and conditions?

Using data from the records of almost 10 million patients diagnosed with stroke between 1997 and 2006 it was discovered that people with HIV were at a higher risk of stroke. Although the reason for this increase is not clear, the authors speculate that the increase in stroke in patients with HIV may be associated with the increased, prolonged use of antiretroviral medications (photo).

The report, in the journal Neurology, is going to lead to other studies analyzing this.

Reported By Dr. Brian McDonough, KYW Newsradio Medical Editor

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