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Lifeguards work to keep swimmers — and themselves — safe in the heat at pools in Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Lifeguards in Montgomery County prioritize hydration and take breaks to stay alert on hot days
Lifeguards in Montgomery County prioritize hydration and take breaks to stay alert on hot days 01:22

HATFIELD, Pa. (CBS) — Families packed the pools in Montgomery County on Monday looking for fun and safe ways to enjoy this hot weather. Meanwhile, lifeguards are also trying to stay healthy as they sit and stand in the heat.

"Especially on hot days, it can be difficult at times," said Kathleen McGill, head lifeguard at Hatfield Aquatic Center.

She said she also stays focused on signs of heat illness among her co-workers.

"If we're exhausted, we're getting tired, if we're dehydrated, that's not going to be good for the patrons, because we need to make sure that we're always watching them and we're able to protect them," she said.

That is why operations manager Michael Krewson said frequent breaks for the lifeguards are critical.

"They sit in a section for 15 minutes, and they will rotate around, and they will have their breaks. And usually, on really hot days, we'll give them a half hour," Krewson said.

Also, Austin Graham, the assistant manager made sure the guards stayed hydrated.

"We always have a water jug. And then, we are always walking around and asking if they need water, asking if they need to hop in. And, we also have the air conditioning on in the lifeguard room at all times," Graham said.

That was good news to McGill.

"I think it's great," McGill said, "because we try to create the best environment for both the employees and the patrons."

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