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Hundreds brave the heat at Haddon Township Summer Solstice Music Festival: "I love the heat"

Brave the heat and rock out at Haddon Township Summer Solstice Music Festival in South Jersey
Brave the heat and rock out at Haddon Township Summer Solstice Music Festival in South Jersey 01:56

HADDON TOWNSHIP (CBS) -- It was the official kickoff to summer in one South Jersey community. Haddon Township on Friday held its Summer Solstice Music Festival where hundreds of people enjoyed live music, food and more.

"It's so wonderful," said Bill Colarulo. "It's a nice beginning to summer."

It's not summer until the start of the festival in Haddon Township, an annual event, meant to bring people together regardless of age.

"It's a good time overall. It's always different performers and you get to meet a lot of different people," said Carol Estorpizo.

It was a good time despite it being nearly 100 degrees.

Haddon Township's Mayor Randy Teague said he doesn't remember it ever being this hot at the festival.

"It's hot, but it's better than rain. It's better than thunderstorms and it's better than smoke which is what we had last year," said Teague.

And the mayor isn't the only one who felt that way. For many, the festival was well worth the sweat.

"I don't know about anybody else, I love the heat. The hotter the better for me," said Estorpizo.

"I'm glad it's hot. I rather it be hot than cold," said Shannon Caldwell.

"We dream for these kinds of days and then when they get here, we're like 'it's too hot,'" Colarulo said.

Colette Oswald said it's definitely warmer than usual, but she said this heat was not stopping her from attending the festival.

It's an event she's been to every year since it started seven years ago. And what better way to kick off summer than with the people you love the most?

"Very happy to be here with my friends," Oswald said.

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