Philadelphia Elementary School Lockdown Lifted After Staff Member Brought Gun To School
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A Philadelphia elementary school was in lockdown Thursday after a staff member left a gun in their jacket. A School District of Philadelphia spokesperson said it happened at Henry A. Brown Elementary School.
The district says a staff member found the firearm inside of a pocket that was left in an office away from students.
The school went into lockdown at 12:05 p.m. following district policy.
"The possession of weapons and firearms is prohibited from being on any district property regardless of whether the individual has a license to carry," the school district spokesperson said. "The staff person who owned the jacket was removed from the building by PPD, and the incident is being handled in accordance with District policy."
Philadelphia police recovered the weapon and declared no imminent threat to students and staff and the lockdown was lifted at 12:20 p.m.
The school resumed its normal day after.