Growing Strawberries May Grow On You
By Phran Novelli
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Last year, I got a strawberry plant just to give them a try. It turns out that strawberries are one of the easiest fruits to grow - in rows along the ground, in a raised bed, in hanging baskets or wall pockets. You can put them in any sunny spot, even on a deck or balcony. And when you grow them yourself, you control the soil and everything you put on your plants, so you can have your own organic strawberries!
I stuck my strawberry plant in a big pot last spring where it grew all summer, and in late fall I dragged the pot to the garage for winter protection. I'd sort of forgotten about it until this spring when I brought the pot back to the patio where it flowered and fruit developed.
Last week it was time to harvest - one perfectly ripe juicy red strawberry. That was all we got before some hungry garden visitor enjoyed the rest of the fruit. But it was fabulous. And now I know that if I want to plant a row - and harvest pounds and pounds of fresh strawberries at home - they're really quite easy to grow.