Group Plants 900 New Trees In Philadelphia
By Pat Loeb
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Does your neighborhood look better today than it did last week? It might if it was one of 35 Philadelphia area neighborhoods where volunteers planted 900 new trees this weekend.
The massive weekend planting is part of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's "Plant a Million" effort.
"[The effort] is a multi-state campaign to plant a million trees in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware," explains Mindy Maslin, the program coordinator.
Maslin worked with community groups for six months getting ready for this weekend. They've been doing this, spring and fall, for two years and are up to about 200,000 trees planted.
Donnie Irvandy (ear-vahn'-dee), president of Temple University Students for Environmental Action, hammered posts into the ground to support a freshly planted hawthorn on Almond Street in Kensington.
"Trees itself just make the neighborhood better, provide canopies, and the part of it I like is everybody helping each other just get together and plant some trees," Irvandy says.