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Gov. Rendell Pardons 3 Philadelphia Men

HARRISBURG (CBS) - Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has commuted life sentences for three Philadelphia men convicted of murder in the 1970's.

The outgoing governor signed the orders on the unanimous recommendation of the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons.

Rendell spokesman Gary Tuma says in each case, William Fultz, Tyrone Werts, and Kevin Smith were not the actual killers.

"They were accessories," he said. "They were involved and under the felony murder statute they were convicted and sentenced, and in these cases the actual killers got lighter sentences and in some sentences are already out of jail. But these men have served long sentences and are still in."

Fultz, Werts and Smith are being released into halfway houses.

Rendell has previously commuted the life sentences of two other convicts, Michael Anderson and George Orlowski.

Reported by Paul Kurtz, KYW Newsradio

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