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Gov. Christie Says DRPA Cleanup Isn't Done Yet

New Jersey governor Chris Christie gives the Delaware River Port Authority an "incomplete" grade for its reform efforts so far (see related story): "They've got a lot of work left to do." 



KYW's David Madden reports from Paulsboro, NJ that Christie says his office will work with the management team now in place at the DRPA to change the way things are done in the agency: 

"We're going to continue to keep pressure on them, using all the tools that the governor has, to be able to exert that pressure.  And I'm hopeful that Governor Rendell will pressure the Pennsylvania side, because I think there's at least as much problem if not more problem on the Pennsylvania side of this even than there is in New Jersey."
There are now reports that the FBI is starting to ask questions at the DRPA. Christie declined to address those reports today in part because, given his past experience as a federal prosecutor, there are times when reports of investigations prove to be anything but true.

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