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Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney Tells Protesters To 'Keep Each Other Safe' Ahead Of Justice For George Floyd Rally

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney has a message for those participating in Saturday's justice for George Floyd protest in the city. Kenney took to social media to let city residents know he shares in the outrage many are feeling due to recent events.

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"Black Americans are outraged—and they should be. I share that outrage," Kenney wrote in the post. "While I will never know the heartbreak and trauma the Black community continues to experience, I want Philadelphians to know that I, and other City leaders, stand with them and are here to support them."

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Posted by Mayor Jim Kenney on Saturday, May 30, 2020

The mayor went on to say that the Black community should not " fear for your lives—or for your loved ones," when they leave their homes.

He added that he has seen Americans across the country protest to express their anger and frustration and he understands the need to stand up and make your voices heard.

But that needs to be done in a safe way.

"Please keep each other safe by protesting peacefully, distancing as much as possible, and wearing masks," he said.

Kenney ended the post by reminding those who are struggling due to recent events, that "we see you, we hear you, and we love you."

Floyd died while police arrested him in Minneapolis earlier this week.

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