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Full Body Scanners Unveiled At PHL

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Philadelphia International Airport has joined the ranks of those using "whole-body" scans at security checkpoints. 317 of the scanners have been deployed at airports around the country, but this is the first one for Philly International -- and more are on the way.

The machines raised privacy concerns three years ago because they produced what amounted to nearly naked pictures of passengers. Now, the TSA says the images are electronically fuzzed, faces are blurred, and then the photos are immediately deleted.

This traveler says he's not concerned about someone seeing a fuzzy image of his body:

"I guess they see a million bodies going there everyday. I don't think it bothers me since they are trying to locate any weapons or explosives or whatever."

If they don't want the full body scan, travelers can opt for the old fashioned metal dectector and a full body pat down.

Reported by Mike DeNardo, KYW Newsradio

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