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Preparations For A Pope: WMOF Executive Director Explains How Pope Was Invited To Philadelphia

By Mark Abrams

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The World Meeting of Families, the prelude to the arrival of Pope Francis in Philadelphia the weekend of Sept. 26 and 27, begins next Tuesday.

Think of it as a large religious convention.

Donna Farrell is executive director of the World Meeting of Families, Philadelphia.

"Almost 17,000 people coming together for this convention on the family," said Farrell.

Farrell says participants are coming from around the globe.

"We have people registered from more than 100 different countries. They are coming from Canada. They're coming from France; they're coming from Nigeria," said Farrell.

The World Meeting event is the reason the pope is coming to Philadelphia.



But Farrell says when the city was selected, it was then-Pope Benedict who made the announcement. Enter Pope Francis. Would he come?

"It was not an automatic assumption and that's why Mayor Nutter, the archbishop, Gov. Corbett at that time went over to Rome to invite him. And, we did it! He's coming!"

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