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New video game works as an over-the-counter treatment for adults with ADHD

New video game works as an over-the-counter treatment for adults with ADHD
New video game works as an over-the-counter treatment for adults with ADHD 02:01

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Video games can help with focus – there's one that even requires a prescription to treat ADHD in children, and now there's a new version for adults.

Instead of prescribing the traditional medications and counseling to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder aka ADHD, what about a video game instead?

"This was built from the ground up to do something in the brain," said Dr. Scott Kollins, who works for Endeavor OTC. 

Endeavor OTC is the adult version of Endeavor RX, the first video game to receive FDA approval as a treatment for ADHD.

The video game targets the parts of the brain involved in attention control.

"It improved attention and it improved function," he said. 

In the game, you have to pay very close attention, and steer a character through a world while avoiding distractions.

"It's the combination of those two things together that we know from a lot of other research stimulates the part of your brain involved in attention. And just like other parts of your body with exercise, you can also strengthen neural connections through using this treatment," Dr. Kollins said. 

There are now two versions – a prescription version for kids, and an over-the-counter version for adults.

"I really saw the immediate effects," Brian Watkins said. 

Watkins said his ADHD is now more manageable

"It's not fun, but it's like fun going to the gym. You know you need to do it, you know you need to take care of yourself," he said. 

While it might not work for every adult with ADHD, doctors said when used as directed, it won't hurt.

"It's a big goal for us is actually to get people to think about this as a treatment that's delivered through a game," Dr. Kollins said. 

The developers said it's about having fun while treating a disorder.

Endeavor OTC is available to download. The program costs about ten dollars a month.

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