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Elderly Philadelphia Home Invasion Victim Gets Help From Good Samaritans

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A 94-year-old victim of a frightening home invasion is getting help and peace of mind from good Samaritans.

It's an Eyewitness News update from a story that aired earlier in the month.

The victim, L. Madeleine Hope, said, "I didn't know all these things were available."

Hope says she's learned and endured quite a bit in recent weeks.

"Something happens? Press a button and I get all the help I need," Hope explained.

The new device around her neck is a medical panic button. Around her house, there's a new security system with motion detection. All of it was installed and will be monitored for free.

"Zero dollars, no strings attached," Sean Skelly said.

Skelly is with Vector Security and his boss, Amy Simpson, asked him to make this happen after watching an Eyewitness News report about Hope falling victim to a violent home invasion during which her purse was stolen. Hope spoke to Eyewitness News on December 8, 2010.

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"She put her hands around my neck and tried to choke me and she said she was going to kill me," Hope further explained that her intruder gained access into her house after breaking a window. Hope described her intruder as a middle-aged, heavyset black female.

Skelly added, "So my boss saw it and she said look into it please and call CBS and see if we can do something."

That's when Milt Martelack, a concerned neighbor, stepped in. Martelack has been watching over Hope's well-being after the home invasion.

"I did review the paper work once, twice and three times over," Martelack said.

After carefully reviewing the contract, Martelack allowed Vector Security to install a simple yet secure system.

Skelly explained, "We gave her a nice key chain remote control. She hits one button to turn the system off. Another button to turn the system on."

"This has definitely given Madeleine a peace of mind and we really appreciate everything," Martelack added.

When asked if Hope felt safer, she replied, "Oh I certainly do and I am so grateful for all that's been done."

Police say their search for the female intruder is continuing.

Reported by Elizabeth Hur, CBS 3

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