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Eagles' Fans At Moral Crossroad Regarding Vick

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. (CBS) - Eagles' fans find themselves in a place few others have been. They are cheering on a red hot quarterback who is also a convicted felon who admitted to bankrolling a dog fighting ring and helping kill six to eight dogs by hanging or drowning them.

On the field, there is no denying Michael Vick is having an MVP caliber season.

Off the field is another story.

Autograph seekers lined up at Valley Forge Convention Center Friday evening and paid money have the star quarterback sign something.

One autograph seeker said she paid about $100.

At the signing, some Eagles' fans like Steven Derrah, who brought his nine-year-old son with him, are wrestling with a bit of a moral dilemma.

"My wife didn't like us coming here," Derrah said.

Another father said he still is not ready to forgive Vick the man, but is willing to support Vick the Eagles' quarterback.

Former Eagles' quarterback Randall Cunningham was also at the autograph convention.

"He's exciting. People love him. They will forgive him," Cunningham said.

Vick has spent a lot of time talking to school children about the horrors of dog fighting. Vick was not available for comment before our deadline.

Reported By: Todd Quinones, CBS 3

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