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New Jersey nonprofit Sisterhood Inc. in need of donations to revitalize space

New Jersey pastor hopes to revitalize old building so she can continue to serve
New Jersey pastor hopes to revitalize old building so she can continue to serve 03:36

A pastor's dream has become a beacon of light and hope to a community in Burlington, New Jersey. The Rev. Dr. Hilda Covington's prayer is to revitalize an old building so she can continue to serve others.

"Let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man…"

The words of poet Samuel Walter Foss describe this old white house on York Street where everyone is welcomed.

Dr. Hilda Covington has dedicated her life to serving others. It's how she serves that caught our attention.

It started with simple calls for help, that was 30 years ago.

"My children would bring kids home all the time, 'Mom they don't have shoes' or stuff like that. It was kind of life for us, fortunately, I had friends that felt the same way," Covington said.

They pulled together what they had and started the non-profit Sisterhood Incorporated. It now serves nearly 6,000 people a year.

"We knew that it needed to be done and somebody had to do it, and I was it," Covington said.

Families can pick out free clothing, groceries, and find a few moments of peace inside the sanctuary.

Covington's daughter, Gabrielle, said their prayer now is to raise money to improve the space, including the rooms on the second floor.  

"We want to rehab the apartments for transitional housing for women that need freedom from domestic abuse," Gabrielle said. "Any given time there is rain, we are leaking all over the building." 

She also pointed out areas where major repairs were needed like sunken ceilings, the HVAC unit and the appliances.

Since they do not receive state funding, they operate mostly on donations from the community, something we witnessed firsthand.

Gabrielle is now charged with moving her mother's legacy forward in an improved and renovated space.

"My mother always reminds me that the daughter of a lion is still a lion," Gabrielle said.

Working beside her mother with limited resources, the gratitude from the community was plenty.

The Sisterhood Revitalization project kicked off at the beginning of March, but they are raising money throughout the year. To find out how you can help visit Sisterhood Inc.'s website

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