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Trump Hits Back At Blumenthal: Ask 'About His Vietnam Record That Didn't Exist After Years Of Saying It Did'

WASHINGTON (CBS) -- President Donald Trump hosted a bipartisan group of senators at the White House Thursday to discuss his Supreme Court pick.

Trump is locked in a war of words with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., over Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Trump showed no signs of regret for nominating Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, even after Blumenthal said Wednesday that the nominee criticized the president.

"He said to me he finds disheartening and demoralizing the repeated abhorrent attacks by the president of the United States on the independence of the judiciary," said Blumenthal.

The conversation sparked a war of words between Blumenthal and Trump, who said Gorsuch's words were taken out of context. The White House insists the judge was speaking in general terms.

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"His comments were misrepresented. What you should do is ask Sen. Blumenthal about his Vietnam record that didn't exist after years of saying it did," said Trump.

"This issue is way bigger than me or Judge Gorusch's nomination. It is about the independence of the judiciary and our constitutional principles," said Blumenthal.

Some Republicans agree and expressed frustration over the president's remarks about the federal judiciary.

"I'm also concerned about the president," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. "I personally wish he would choose his words a little more carefully."

Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who has been escorting Gorsuch through Capitol Hill meetings, said the judge was speaking in general terms with Blumenthal, and not referring to any specific case.

Gorsuch has not publicly commented on the controversy, but Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he should, to prove his independence from the president.

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