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Dom Giordano Column: Can Toomey Win PA?

By Dom Giordano

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Increasingly, Pennsylvania looks to be a tough state for Donald Trump. He has a great deal of traction in the western parts of the state due to elites abandoning working class Pennsylvanians with trade deals that cost jobs and enabling illegal immigration that undercut wages and a general sense that these are citizens that will be left behind. This might not be enough because Trump is in a deep hole in the collar counties of Philadelphia.

If Trump doesn't carry Pennsylvania, that will be a disappointment. If his failure, results in Senator Pat Toomey losing his seat, that will be a disaster. We need Toomey back in the Senate for at least five reasons.

The first is that retaining his seat is a key to retaining control of the Senate. Republicans might lose a seat in New Hampshire where Kelly Ayotte is way behind. Republicans are also in tough races in several other states. Reelecting Toomey is a key to maintaining the firewall of the Senate.

The second reason why Toomey must win is because is one of the brightest, most focused representatives that I've ever encountered. His defeat of Eric Holder's chosen guy to head the civil rights division of the Justice Department was textbook.

The third reason is even though he is a conservative Toomey's demeanor is very moderate and measured and he makes it difficult for the media to demonize him. This bodes well for him to get things done in Pennsylvania.

The fourth reason is that Toomey and his staff are very focused and responsive on local and state issues. He is not someone who will ever neglect the basics.

Finally, Toomey must win to stop an opponent who is almost totally unqualified and someone who even makes me wish Joe Sestak had gotten the Democratic nomination. Katie McGinty, Toomey's opponent, is just a political insider with no real credentials.

So whatever happens with Trump, vote for Toomey on election day.

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