Dom Giordano: Addicted To The NFL
By Dom Giordano
As a product NFL Football is like legal crack cocaine. Americans want the product and no amount of Ray Rice debacles, Roger Goodell buffoonery, or Patriots' alleged cheating can stop the demand. I don't even think the looming issues around players' concussions can slow the game down.
First, I think the game is made for TV and the genius of the yellow line designating a first down marker is a genius innovation. The fact that a game is only played weekly just enhances our appetite for game day.
I listen to a lot of local sports talk radio and I almost never hear a hockey or basketball call and only occasionally a baseball call. However, I hear callers in June yearning for Eagles training camp and a demand for NFL Network before the draft to see even a bunch of fat lineman run a 40 yard dash.
Despite the desperate predictions of liberals and others soccer will never be America's pastime. The lack of scoring is a big drawback and despite the fact that it is a sport that demands great athletes, I can't see Americans embracing it.