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Delaware the Scene of a Primary Battle

The state of Delaware is in the national spotlight with another republican party war being fought.

Will Christine O'Donnell become the next Tea Party upset winner?  KYW's Larry Kane says not if longtime lawmaker Mike Castle has anything to say about.

Internal and external polling shows a suddenly tight race with Sarah Palin chiming in for O'Donnell.

The key is the Republican turnout in one county.  More populous New Castle County is where most of the votes are.  Kent and Sussex counties have a more conservative vote, but less voters.  If the super-conservatives vote in bigger numbers than Republicans in New Castle, the Tea Party pulls of another upset win.

Castle's campaign made last minute ad buys and promised 10,000 volunteers on the street.  O'Donnell will counter with many out-of-state Tea Party Express volunteers.

Watching with extreme pleasure is Delaware's democratic party, hoping that Castle -- one of Delaware's favorite sons -- gets retired by D'Donnel who has been branded by the state republican party as a fringe candidate.

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