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Dangerous New Dog Flu Strain Spreads Concern Across U.S.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) --  A dangerous new strain of the "dog flu" is worrying pet owners and veterinarians across the country.

2,000 dogs in 24 states have reportedly been infected since last spring. Experts say the disease is highly contagious, and while the disease is rarely fatal, they urge owners to see a vet right away if their dog shows symptoms.

"If you're doesn't eat well, misses a meal... if you see coughing, if you see lethargy, being tired, moping around, it could be a sign of a fever. If you see that, give your local veterinarian a call and schedule an appointment, because they'll need to get on some special medications for it," veterinarian Rob McMonigle advised.

There's a vaccine available for the disease. People can't contract the virus, but they can give it to a healthy pet after spending time with a sick dog.

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