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Crosses For Murder Victims Surface At Camden City Hall

By David Madden

CAMDEN, N.J. (CBS) – Some five dozen crosses have surfaced in front of Camden City Hall and on the city's approach to the Ben Franklin Bridge. They're part of a three month long demonstration by a group of community activists.

They are colorfully painted crosses to represent every murder victim this year, plus a few from the past. The project is the brainchild of the Camden Violence Action Group.

"We did want to give a big hug to Camden, for sure. However, we also want to engage our leadership in some meaningful conversation about the violence that is happening in our community," says Helene Pierson, a member of the group.

That's why the group has a third set of crosses ready to go to Drumthwacket, the Governor's mansion just outside of Trenton.

A decision on whether to deploy them will be made next week.

Camden's murder rate is on track to set an annual record if trends don't change. Pierson says plans are to take the crosses down at the end of the year.

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