Corbett Takes A Hit From Both Sides On Health Proposal
By Tony Romeo
HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) - Governor Corbett is getting hit from both sides after unveiling his proposal to expand access to health care using federal Medicaid dollars.
While Corbett has gotten praise from some quarters for his proposal to reform Medicaid and use federal dollars to cover uninsured Pennsylvanians with private health insurance, he's being blasted not only from the left but from some of the most conservative members of the legislature.
But overall, Franklin and Marshal College pollster and political analyst Terry Madonna believes the poll-challenged governor's proposal is unlikely to alienate his base, which lacks any alternative, while helping him to gain inroads with moderates…
"I think it will help Corbett if he can message it properly," Madonna said. "It will help him expand his support… providing the messaging – the sales job – is adequate."
But Madonna says messaging his been problematic for Corbett and he notes the calculus could change if the feds reject the governor's proposal.