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Community Paint Day Held At CHOP For Mural Honoring Visit Of Pope Francis

By Marcy Norton

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Some patients at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia did their part to help the city get ready to welcome Pope Francis in September. They helped paint panels of a mural that will commemorate the pontiff's visit.

The World Meeting of Families partnered with the Mural Arts Program in the design, and Mural arts program director Jane Golden says having kids at CHOP add their special touch, was a perfect fit.

"'Cause when you think of what the pope stands for - love, family, connection, a better world, I mean - this is what people here are devoted to," said Golden.

Patients and helpers donned plastic aprons and dabbed colorful paint onto the panels that will make up the 4,200 square foot mural. Six-year-old Naia made a prolific contribution.

"I was painting a butterfly, a rose and this little balloon, and a heart, and this portal and a spaceship."

Dabbing colorful paint onto the parachute paper panels was a welcome change of pace for 20-year old CHOP patient Alicia.

"I think it helps, like, if you're sick and you need, like, a distraction, you know, a little art is always helpful, I think. So I think it's pretty cool to do."

Artist Caesar Viveros says his design, which features Pope Francis interacting with children, is about human relationships.

"And the need of interacting with people, try to break the barrier that sometimes limits ourselves, and don't allow us to meet other people just because they have other faith or other believing."

The final mural will be displayed at Saint Malachy School in North Philadelphia.

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