Comedian Jimmy Kimmel Pokes Fun At Obama Campaign
By John Ostapkovich
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - A novel fundraising idea by the Obama re-election campaign has instead raised chuckles on at least one late night comedy show.
The Obama Event Registry, which was announced last week, was trounced this week by Jimmy Kimmel.
"On the campaign website it says a campaign donation goes a lot farther than a gravy bowl. Not if you like gravy, it doesn't."
For years, people have made donations to charity in someone's name at milestone events and holidays, but this idea is to make the donation to the Obama campaign.
LaSalle political science professor Edward Turzanski, who is not an Obama supporter, sees this falling flat with swing voters.
"There is that segment that call themselves independent and are fiercely so. They have yet to be persuaded. I do not think this helps with independent voters. In fact, I think independent voters are going to be put off by this."
As Professor Turzanski says he would be if the Romney campaign did something similar.