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Coffee Or Sex? Most Would Take Coffee, Survey Says

NEW YORK, NY (CBS) – Would you rather get going in the morning with coffee or sex?

That's just one of the questions posed by Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts in a survey of 7,455 coffee drinkers and travelers conducted in six countries in advance of International Coffee Day (Sept. 29).

It turns out that more than half of us would take the coffee. In fact, fifty-three percent of survey respondents said coffee was better than sex for waking up, and 78% would rather give up alcohol, sex or social media than forgo their morning cuppa joe.

Similarly, 51% said they feel they could go longer without sex than without coffee.

And Le Méridien is taking the survey results seriously. On Sept. 26, the company announced a plan to put at least one trained barista inside each of its hotels.

To read the survey results, click here.

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