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City Council Moving To Stop Insurance Companies From Obtaining Accident Reports

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - City Council is moving to stop the city's Records Department from making police accident reports readily available to those who pay a flat fee because some have misused the private information.

The Records Department offers a privilege pass for $1,000, ostensibly for legitimate insurance companies to have easy access to accident reports.  But at the city council hearing, victims and experts testified that some of those with the passes are mis-using or selling the private information.

Private fraud investigator Deb Noone said the info can be quite detailed.

"Dates of birth, drivers license numbers, vehicle vin numbers and information on any minors in the vehicle. Essentially the complete report."

And victims report getting calls at home from people coercing them into using certain auto body shops or chiropractors. The Council committee okayed a bill requiring the Records Department to end the privilege pass. The bill now goes to the full council for approval, perhaps next week.

The Nutter Administration, which controls the Records Department, supports the plan.

Reported by Mike Dunn, KYW Newsradio

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