City Controller Getting 'Mixed Messages' From Dept. Of Housing, Urban Development Over PHA
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The City Controller says he's getting mixed messages from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, regarding the embattled Philadelphia Housing Authority.
City Controller Alan Butkovitz is quizzical about HUD's request for the resignation of the entire PHA board, two of whom Butkovitz appointed.
"It's been very cryptic. The PHA Board was largely criticized for being too hands-off in supervising Carl Green and, from the HUD statement on Friday, it appeared the PHA Board was being criticized for being too hands-on."
Butkovitz says he can't comment on what HUD is up to until it shows its hand. He says it announced a 60-day audit of PHA last August and not only hasn't there been a peep about what it found but a second audit has begun. Butkovitz says his efforts to get information from HUD have gone nowhere. In fact he says he wasn't notified by HUD about the resignation request until nearly an hour after a reporter called to ask him about it.>
Reported by John Ostapkovich, KYW Newsradio