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Cincinnati Legislators Get a Ribbing at Philadelphia City Hall


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Taking their lumps in Philadelphia City Council today were two members of Cincinnati's city council who had suffered through the Phillies' win last night in the playoff opener. 
Philadelphia councilman Curtis Jones introduced the two visiting Cincinnati lawmakers, Cecil Thomas and Wendell Young, saying with a laugh, "They have enjoyed our hospitality everywhere but on the ballfield." 
Young was glad to be at the park last night, at least for a few minutes:

"The hospitality in Philadelphia was fine until we got to the game."

(Mike Dunn:)  "Any chance Friday night that one of the Reds might actually get a hit?"

(Thomas:)  "I refuse to answer that question."

(Young:)  "I'll answer that question.  There is no way we get shut out two in a row."

The Cincinnati lawmakers said Jones seated them at the game with two nuns cheering for the Phillies, so the Reds wouldn't have a prayer.

Reported by KYW City Hall Bureau Chief Mike Dunn.

Photo by Mike Dunn

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