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Christie Speaks On Relationship With Trump Post-Election

by Justin Udo

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- New Jersey Governor Chris Christie opens up about his relationship with President-elect Donald Trump and the likelihood of him joining the new administration.

Shortly after winning the election, Mr. Trump demoted Christie from the head of his transition team, leaving some to speculate that their relationship was on the outs and what once seemed like a guaranteed Cabinet position for Christie is all but gone.

But Christie maintains he never had his sights set on a Cabinet position and he and Mr. Trump's relationship is fine.

"I don't know why when I continue to say it, people don't believe it, but I've been saying it all along. The only thing I said that I would consider doing was when he considered me for Vice President and he selected Governor Pence. Since that time I've been saying consistently throughout that I was going to serve the rest of my term, and I'm serving the rest of my term," said Christie

In a radio interview Monday, Christie refused to talk about if he was offered a position or if he thinks he'll be offered a position:

"Has he asked you to serve?"

Christie: "Asked me what?

"Has he asked you to serve?"

Christie: "I'm not going to get into that"

Governor Christie says he's told Mr. Trump he has 14 months left on his term and it's his goal to finish his time as governor.

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