CBS Pet Project: How to avoid tripping over your cat
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – We know we all love our cats. But, here's a piece of advice: Do not fall head over heels in love with your cat, especially the head-over-heels part.
Cats will circle around you and it can be a problem.
The CDC says that every year, over 10,000 people end up in the emergency room because of tripping over cats. And this does not even count the number of people who go to urgent care or the doctor's office.
Cats circle around your legs and you can't see them if you're carrying something like laundry or a baby.
They can jump into your path and land so quietly that you don't even know they're there.
The CDC says cat tripping injuries are mostly bone fractures, abrasions and contusions, and the wrist bones.
Also, women are more than twice as likely as men to get an injury. And, the elderly suffer the most from tripping over cats.
These are the cat tripping hazard help rules:
Always assume the cat is in your path
Keep looking down
Put food and water bowls out of your walking path
Don't try and step over your cat
Similar issues can also happen with smaller dogs.
Watch the entire interview in the stream above.