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CBS 3 Pet Project: Foods Your Pet Should Avoid

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- If you own a dog you probably know that chocolate is bad for him or her but did you know there's a whole list of foods that pets should avoid?

Raw meat is a no-brainer. Pets should eliminate this from their diet just as humans do because of potential E. coli and other bacteria.

Grapes and raisins are on the "do not eat" list as well because they can cause liver damage in pets.

And as tempting as it is to let Spot eat a couple of fries you dropped on the floor or maybe even share a bite of your cheesesteak, don't do it! Greasy foods are a big "NO" because they can cause pancreatitis which can be life-threatening for your animal.

While nuts are a healthy snack for people, pet owners shouldn't share any of them with their four-legged friends either. This goes for onion and garlic as well -- even the powders can be deadly to dogs.

Ice cream is another food off-limits for dogs. That's why some pet companies have created ice cream treats that are safe for pets like Nestle's Frosty Paws brand.

Other foods that are bad for dogs include mushrooms, dough and any foods on the bone because the bones can cause obstructions -- pet owners should avoid giving their dog corn on the cob for the same reason.

If you find that your dog or cat has ingested one of these prohibited foods, it's important to call your vet right away. Your pet may not have immediate symptoms but a negative reaction could still develop over time.

For more information and to see a list of adoptable animals visit

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