Catholics Using Social Media To Follow World Youth Day In Brazil
By Social Media Editor Melony Roy
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - For Catholics who were unable to fly to Brazil to take part in World Youth Day, the Vatican issued a decree stating that those who follow the celebration online will be granted a plenary indulgence.
World Youth Day is kind of like the "liturgical Olympics" with Catholics from all over the world making the pilgrimage to Brazil.
The Vatican has suggested that following the week long events on social media may help pave your way to heaven, but Philadelphia based Catholic Church Analyst Rocco Palmo says earning an indulgence is not as easy as a follow or a retweet.
"It requires that you have a spirit of prayer, a spirit of spiritual union with what is going on, but also the conditions for any indulgence, any plenary indulgence, always involves you to first go to confession," Palmo explains. "You have to receive communion which means you have to go to mass and you have to pray for the intentions of the Pope."
If you would like to follow the events of World Youth Day add the Pope on twitter @Pontifex and like the Vatican's Facebook page.