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BLOG: Foreclosure Forum in Burlington Co. Thursday

By Jim Donovan: Burlington County homeowners facing mortgage foreclosure or dealing with financial and credit issues that could result in foreclosure are encouraged to attend a Mortgage Foreclosure Forum to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 PM on Thursday, October 13, 2011, at the Maple Shade Municipal Building, 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ.

Speakers with State, County, and non-profit agencies that specialize in financial counseling will provide homeowners with step-by-step instructions on what they can do to avert losing their homes.

Burlington County Consumer Affairs Director Renee Borstad will address mortgage rescue "scams" that desperate homeowners need to avoid.

This is the sixth forum of its kind sponsored by the Burlington County Freeholders through the county's Consumer Affairs Office during the past 18 months. A question/answer session follows brief presentations by the speakers.

Joel Finkelstein, Team Leader for the Civil Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey, will address the State's Judiciary Foreclosure Mediation Program, through which court-trained mediators endeavor to assist homeowners in foreclosure reach arrangements with their lenders.

Leo F. Vanderbilt, Under Sheriff of the Burlington County Sheriff's Office, will describe the Sheriff's role in the Foreclosure Process

Stephanie Bittner, with Consumer Credit Counseling, will discuss refinance assistance and personal financial counseling

Stephen D'Agostino, and Mitch Freeman, from Beneficial Bank, will speak about the positive and negative aspects of Short Sales

Silas Townsend, Burlington County Community Action Program (BCCAP), will speak about their involvement in assisting consumers in the foreclosure process

Robert L. Kinniebrew, Executive Director of the NJ Real Estate Commission under the NJ Department of Banking & Insurance Trenton will speak about mortgage fraud

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