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BLOG: February 8th Morning Weather

By: Kate Bilo

Yesterday felt just fantastic, with a high of 48 degrees - the warmest it's been in Philadelphia since the beginning of January! But hold on to your hats today, because things are changing in a big way. As a system moves by to the north, a series of cold fronts will pass across the Delaware Valley today. The first is bringing showers early this morning, and the second brings the threat for snow showers this afternoon - these will be mainly in our far Northern suburbs, although I am thinking that a line of these rain or snow showers could try to survive toward the coast this afternoon.

As of early this morning, we have probably already reached our highs for the day - around 39 in Philadelphia, and low 40s across portions of Delaware. Temperatures will drop through the day, probably falling below freezing by the time of the evening commute here in Philadelphia, and as winds begin to diminish overnight and skies clear, it will be a very cold overnight, with lows dropping into the teens.

This frontal passage signifies the "winds of change", so to speak, as a much colder temperature regime will take over for the next few days. Temperatures on Wednesday shouldn't climb above freezing, and Thursday may be the coldest day this week with highs only in the 20s. The good news is that a storm we have been watching since last week looks to take a southerly track and miss us on Thursday.

Friday and the weekend bring a warming trend, and the weather looks to stay mainly dry through Sunday or Monday - which means it could be one of the most tranquil stretches of weather we've had so far this winter, with highs trying to get to the 50s by early next week!

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