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Fabrics to avoid during hot, summer months for those with sensitive skin or conditions

Fabrics to avoid for during hot, summer months for those with sensitive skin or conditions
Fabrics to avoid for during hot, summer months for those with sensitive skin or conditions 01:50

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- For people with sensitive skin or conditions, like eczema or psoriasis, the heat and humidity can worsen symptoms. Health experts say some clothes and fabrics may irritate the skin further.

If the summer sun and heat is causing your skin to flare up, your wardrobe might need a changeup.

"The choices in fabrics and styles really do have an impact, especially if we are someone who already has sensitive skin or deals with chronic rashes," said Dr. Kara Wada, an allergist and immunologist.

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Doctors say in the heat and humidity of summer, you want to wear clothing that's smooth in texture and loose fitting.

"Choosing something that is cotton or linen, that's going to be breathable and also lighter in color is going to help reflect some of that heat so that our skin is able to breathe and stay cooler, as well," Dr. Wada said.

She said skin can actually become irritated by sweat, causing it to become inflamed.

"Inflammation in our skin is what makes it leakier. It makes it itchier and that is a large part of the root cause of our sensitive skin and eczema that we may deal with in summer," Dr. Wada said.

She recommends avoiding synthetic fabrics that may trap in heat and sweat, like:

  • Polyester
  • Nylon
  • Spandex

"Flowier fabrics are going to be more comfortable," Dr. Wada said. "They're going to allow for more airflow and help our skin dry off in areas that are getting a little bit moist."

Dr. Wada also said to make sure you lock in moisture with a fragrance-free lotion, adding that even sweaty skin can get dry in the summer.

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The doctor said it's also important to protect your skin from the sun. Those with sensitivities who have trouble with chemical sunscreens may opt for a mineral-based broad-spectrum sunscreen.

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