Behind The Scenes With The Cast Of CBS' Hit Show 'God Friended Me'
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PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – "God Friended Me," which airs Sunday nights at 8 p.m. on CBS3, is a hit. It's a show shining a light on opposite views, leading a team of friends and family on a mysterious journey.
Step by step, characters in "God Friended Me" brighten a better tomorrow for those they come in contact with.
I went behind the scenes with Miles Finer, Rakesh, Cara Bloom, Arthur Finer and Ali Finer to see how they hope this show connects with everyone, no matters what they believe and helps unite people.
"I always say the show is more about human connectivity than it is about religion," Javicia Leslie, who plays Ali Finer, said. "It's just to show that we put these labels to divide us, but truly, we have everything we need within us to be able to help each other."
"It shows people's differences, but it doesn't show it as a conflict," Violett Beane, who plays Cara Bloom, said, "It shows it as two people who believe and understand a different thing about the world and can have a conversation about it and love each other for those differences."
"We all think about everything differently and somehow, it works in this cohesive weird beautiful manner," Suraj Sharma, who plays Rakesh, said. "And then the episode comes to life."
"I hope I am. I really hope I am and from the responses that I'm getting, especially through social media, it seems like that's the case," Brandon Michael Hall, who plays Miles Finer, said. "People reach out and say, 'I was struggling about my religion.' Sometimes it's not even about religion."
"If we could have conversations from both sides of the aisle," Joe Morton, who plays Arthur Finer, said. "I think again, the world would spin a little happier."
"You know you're doing something right and that's what an artist wants every time they work on a project," Hall said. "They want to know that they're holding the mirror up to society and saying this is where we are and I hope we can all talk about this together."