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Barking Blog: Been Carded Lately?

It can happen at any time, anywhere…an accident. You can't get home and you might not even be able to make a call. Think hospital or worse. Your imagination can dream up the scenarios that might put you in this bind. Then think about what you have left behind, dependent on you. Young children are either with you or in someone's care. Significant others can at least feed themselves in your absence. But your pets are totally helpless. They can't get themselves food, water, bathroom breaks or any other basic necessity. To their rescue, your advance planning. Make out a card for your wallet or purse and put on it in bold letters 'I HAVE PETS' and then list several friends' contact info. These should be friends who know your pets and would step in instantly if you couldn't get home. Let your friends know you have done this. Leave an instruction sheet at home in an obvious spot with food locations, vet details, medicine schedule, etc. It is part of being a responsible pet owner/parent to care for them even when you can't care for them.

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