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At Philadelphia Zoo, Art Exhibit Turns Trash Into Thought-Provoking Sculptures

By John McDevitt

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- It's called "Second Nature: Junk Rethunk" -- a series of animal-inspired art sculptures on the grounds of the Philadelphia Zoo, all made out of recycled materials.


There's a life-size pink crocodile created from chewing gum, a 13-foot gorilla composed of car doors, and nine-foot bunnies made of recycled plastic.  And those are just some of the artworks on the zoo grounds to promote recycling and reducing energy consumption -- which, the zoo points out, will ultimately help save wildlife and their habitats.

"So, whether it's chewing gum, whether it's cardboard, whether it's car parts, or whether it's water bottles," says zoo CEO and president Vik  Dewan, "there are things that we do in our everyday life that make a difference in the world and the decisions we make.   So, recycle, reuse.  It's junk today, but when 'rethunk,' it makes a huge difference for animals around the world."

The exhibit, "Junk Rethunk," will be at the Philadelphia Zoo through October.

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