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Area Weather Forecasters Say Christmas Travel Will Be A Breeze, Not A Blizzard


By John Ostapkovich

What a difference 12 months makes!  Most holiday travelers won't find many weather hassles this holiday weekend.

"Last year, a big snowstorm came up the East Coast right after Christmas and that caused a real mess, really shut down travel for a lot of people," recalls Accuweather's Elliot Abrams. "We don't see anything like that (this year)."

Maybe some fog and then rain the next two mornings, he says, but with dry afternoons.  There will be a storm moving up the coast from the South over the weekend.

(Elliot Abrams. Credit: AccuWeather)

"The storm coming up for Sunday, if it comes, could just as easily be snow as rain," Abrams (right) warns.  "It's just that it's uncertain whether it comes.  And if it comes on Christmas Day and it's completely gone Monday, then it's not really a concern," clearing the way for the return trip that many people will be making.

Abrams says there's also a major storm in the southern Rockies and a dusting expected in Buffalo, but otherwise destinations look pretty good, too.

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