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Another Lawsuit Filed Alleging Priest Sex Abuse In Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Another civil suit alleging priestly sexual abuse has been filed in Philadelphia.

Like a similar suit filed just three weeks ago, this one alleges not only the abuse -- said this time to have occurred in the mid-'90s at Our Lady of Calvary parish in Northeast Philadelphia -- but a cover-up by Archdiocesan officials including the former and current cardinals.

The court documents list the plaintiff as John Doe, but it was Phillip Gaughan, raised in Philadelphia and now residing in Delaware, who stepped before microphones today to describe his ordeal.

What is he after, besides money?

"A change," he says.  "Obviously, nothing has been done in the past since the first grand jury report.  Obviously, everybody has probably read the second one.  Something has to be done to protect the kids," he told reporters outside Philadelphia City Hall.

Oren Liebermann reports...

Gaughan's father says the accused priest, Father John Gillespie, who died in 2008, had been a family friend for 40 years.

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Reported by John Ostapkovich, KYW Newsradio 1060.

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