Kane Testifies In Closed Session About Possible Sandusky Grand Jury Leaks
by Tony Romeo and Alexandria Hoff
HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) — Attorney General Kathleen Kane testified before a judge today in a closed door session about possible grand jury leaks in the Jerry Sandusky case.
Kane was ordered to appear before the judge hearing Sandusky's appeal after she made statements last week about communications between the judge who supervised the grand jury that investigated Sandusky and reporters who covered the case.
After the session, Sandusky's lawyer Al Lindsay said the judge did most of the questioning, seeking clarification on Kane's statements last week.
Lindsay says at first blush, the session with Kane produced no bombshells.
"I don't think there's going to be much impact with this session. If you're asking, is this a make or break session, is this going to have a big impact on where we go with this? I don't think so."
Kane did not speak with reporters after the session. Lindsay says Kane generally did not have an opinion or direct knowledge of any leaks either by her office or the grand jury supervising judge.