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5 Approaches To Eating Dinner And Watching Eagles Vs. Cowboys On Thanksgiving

By Andrew Porter

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) --- We're all in this together, Philadelphia.

As you already know, the Eagles play the Cowboys in Dallas on Thanksgiving. Problem is, kickoff is set for 4:25pm E.T., better known as dinner time. And this is Eagles vs. Cowboys, for the division lead. No chance we're missing one snap.

"I don't think you should start putting down laws with the holidays," Eagles head coach Chip Kelly said Monday on the 94WIP Morning Show. "I think maybe you could eat with the TV on."

With all do respect, Chip, no. Just no. No, no, no, no....NO.

Dinner and the game have to be two separate entities this Thanksgiving. This game is too monumental to be worrying about asking Aunt Edna to pass the gravy, explaining to Uncle Bob that you graduated from college three years ago, or answering rapid-fire meaningless questions from your spouse.

This is a must-focus game and therefore, laws are exactly what need to be made.


5. Record The Beginning

This is a violation, but some will do it. They'll record the game, eat dinner, and begin watching the game when they're done eating in hopes of fast-forwarding through commercials and eventually catching up to real-time. I would never watch a sporting event taped, but that's just me.

Note: If you are participating in this insane strategy, turn your phone off. It's 2014, it's nearly impossible not to see or hear the score.


4. Eat While Watching

I don't agree with this strategy, but if it has to be done, so be it. Key is, make sure you're set up with a perfect spot in front of the TV, the sound is ready to go, and you're able to focus on the game first, food second.


3. Eat A Chip Kelly Dinner


This means eating at half-time. You would have about 15 minutes to eat and this is only possible if you're not involved in cooking and/or cleaning. Very risky, but for those who can pull of the Chip Kelly, fast-paced, no-huddle dinner, all the power to you.


2. Eat Late

You can plan to eat after the game, only problem is, if the Eagles lose you won't have an appetite.


1. Eat Early

This is by far the best, and in my opinion, only option. I texted my mom on Monday, "Dinner at 3." It's that simple. Eat at 3:00pm or 3:30pm and boom, you'll be all done, ready to watch the game by kickoff.


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