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3 On Your Side: Wedding Video Trouble

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Weddings are one of the most memorable moments of life; which is why so many couples decide to capture it on video.

We heard from one couple that paid to have those precious moments recorded, but couldn't get in touch with the company in order to actually get their video.

That is until they contacted 3 On Your Side's Jim Donovan.

The owner of Cherished Video Productions, Bill Totten, said it doesn't normally take a year to get a wedding video. But that's about how long it took Michelle and Frank Shaw to receive theirs.

And 3 On Your Side was there when they finally got their hands on it.

The Shaws were married in September of 2009. A photographer caught all the special moments in these still shots.

The Shaws has also hired Cherished Video Productions to videotape the event as well. The price was a little over $1,000.

They paid $750 up front. The rest was due upon completion of the edited video, three to six months later.

But when that time frame came and went, Frank Shaw reached out to Bill Totten.

"He was basically telling me, we had fallen on hard times because of the economy. I just lost my editor, so just give me a couple more weeks," said Frank Shaw.

But the Shaws say Mr. Totten wouldn't call them back.

"No communication, nothing," said Frank Shaw.

"I figured he was taking our money," said Michelle Shaw.

That's when they contacted 3 On Your Side.

"I figured you all could help me out," said Michelle Shaw.

By phone, Bill Totten told us his business was struggling and that the Shaws would get their video in about two weeks.

Again he failed to deliver, but he did reach out to the Shaws via email.

After weeks of going back and forth, the couple was able to arrange a meeting. And we showed up as well.

"You told us one thing, and then you don't call us back when we follow up," said Jim Donovan.

"Well, I do contact my customers," said Totten.

"Well you're not contacting your customers, because that's why your customers contact us," said Donovan.

Now that they finally got their video, we wanted to know if it was it worth the wait?

"It's very shaky, all over the place and stuff. It flips back and forth between color, black and white and you're not sure whether you're coming or going," said Frank Shaw.

The Shaws say they don't think they will cherish this video.

Mr. Totten tells us, Cherished Video Productions is no longer accepting any new business.

However, he says he does have about 15 couples waiting for videos.

And while there is a significant delay, he assured us that every customer will get their wedding video.

Reported by Jim Donovan, CBS 3

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