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3-On Your Side: Used Sports Equipment

PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― Back to school season can be get a little expensive for parents. It's time to buy new clothes, shoes and of course school supplies. And that's not all. If your child plays sports the cost of equipment can add up fast. 3 On Your Sides' Jim Donovan shows us one place where you gearing up for a sport, won't break the bank.

When Denise Mason went shopping for softball equipment for her daughter Courtney, she decided to check out Play it Again Sports.

"Times are tough, you know husband's unemployed, four kids, spend a fortune. So thought, we've heard how they have a great selection -- so we thought we'd give it a shot," said Mason.

Dom Zanghi, owner of the Mount Laurel Play it Again Sports store says they offer something big box retailers don't, used equipment. They have everything from baseball bats to field hockey sticks and soccer cleats.

Our used product is typically half off what the retail value of it would be. But they have plenty of new equipment too.

"I was surprised about that," said Mason.

But you'll get the biggest savings buying used.

For example, these black and gray roller blades are almost identical models.

The used gray ones are $59.99, the black new ones $114.99.

And check out these hockey gloves, the used white ones are $24.99. The brand new black ones, $44.99.

"The price is right," said Play it Again Sports customer, Michael Spitz.

He thinks it's a great place to shop especially, "If you're not sure if your kids are gonna stick with it," said Spitz.

Best of all, you can take old equipment you might have laying around and sell it to Play it Again Sports for trade in value, store credit or cash.

"This might be time to clean out the attic and make some money and at least get her some equipment," said Mason.

For more information, visit:

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