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3 On Your Side: Holiday Tipping

By Jim Donovan

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Tipping is something that most people do year-round, but during the holidays, it can get more confusing.  It's a topic that comes up every year and as 3 On Your Side Consumer Reporter Jim Donovan tells us, it still leaves many scratching their heads.

To tip or not to tip, that's the question.  But who gets what?  Here are some guidelines from the Emily Post Institute to help you out this holiday.

At your hair salon - the cost of a normal visit would be a nice tip for a stylist that you see on a regular basis.

Your babysitter?  One evening's pay plus a small gift from the kids.  The babysitter will appreciate it and the kids will feel that they're involved too.

Dog walker - up to one week's pay or a gift.

Live or work in the city and park your car in a garage?  A tip of $10 to $30 or a small gift is recommended.

Newspaper carrier - $10 to $30, unless you tip through the year, in that case, a few extra dollars is sufficient.

If you have a housekeeper/cleaning person - the cost of one visit.

Personal trainer?  The cost of one session.

Cash isn't really appropriate for a child's teacher.  You can however give them a gift card.

Some workers aren't allowed to receive monetary gifts by law.  Postal carriers for instance can accept gifts worth up to $20, but they're not allowed to accept cash.

To avoid getting caught empty-handed if you forget someone that provides great service to your year round, I like to keep some small, wrapped items at home.  Cookies, candles, some bottles of wine all work great in a pinch.

For more tipping advice from the Emily Post Institute visit:

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