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How local artist's journey to fatherhood led to designing Philadelphia Pride's "Be You" logo

Meet the designer behind Philly Pride 2024's "Be You" logo
Meet the designer behind Philly Pride 2024's "Be You" logo 03:00

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Originally from England, graphic designer and artist Ben Deane-Schierloh now calls South Philadelphia home with his husband Frank Deane-Schierloh. Their house is filled with rainbows, laughter, love and music. The two have been together for 14 years and married for two.

"When we started dating, gay marriage was not legal nationwide," Ben said.

Love has helped them overcome many hurdles over the years. Now, they hope to become parents.

With parenthood, Frank Deane-Schierloh wants to recreate the bond he shared with his late father.

"When he passed away, it kind of made me re-examine the father-son dynamic that we had and how I really wanted to experience that from the other point of view," he said. "Ben has always wanted children."

The couple will need an embryo, a surrogate and money to become parents.

"Minimum, it will cost about $80,000," Ben Deane-Schierloh said. "We are actually saving money because of the embryo donation. Usually, surrogacy could range anywhere between $135,000 to $165,000."

Left: Ben Deane-Schierloh wearing one of his shirts from his business, ThatsBearlyArt. Right, Ben and his husband, Frank Deane-Schierloh. Ben Deane-Schierloh  

As luck would have it, a lesbian couple recently donated an embryo to the Deane-Schierlohs. They're now on a waiting list to find a surrogate while they get creative with their baby fund.

Last year, Ben Deane-Schierloh created the graphic tee company That's Bearly Art to help raise money for surrogacy. The humorous and provocative T-shirts are sold online and at festivals, and they've been selling out, making Deane-Schierloh a hot and upcoming artist in the LGBTQIA+ community.

So much so that Philadelphia's 2024 Pride organizers asked him to design this year's "Be You" logo.

"There have been so many times in my life where I have felt like I'm not queer enough or I don't belong," Ben Deane-Schierloh said.

The Deane-Schierlohs have held to the "be you" mantra with their goal of becoming dads on the horizon.

"We so clearly want them and are so excited when we finally get to meet them," Frank Deane-Schierloh said.

This year's "Be You" Philadelphia Pride March and Festival is scheduled for Sunday, June 2. The march kicks off at 10:30 a.m. at 6th and Walnut streets in Center City and will end in the city's Gayborhood. The festival will begin immediately after the march and run from noon to 7 p.m.

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