Wednesday's Child Sits In On Studio C Session at KBCO
DENVER (CBS4) - CBS4's friends at KBCO recently invited a Wednesday's Child who loves music to sit in on a Studio C session. Sam, 17, lives in foster care, and turns to music to help him through the tough times. He was particularly excited to see a live taping of Studio C at KBCO, but first, he got a tour of the station.
"Nice to meet you," said Ginger, the afternoon DJ at KBCO. "This is where all the action happens."
Then Sam moved on to listen to singer/songwriter, J. S. Ondara, a new artist out of Kenya. Ondara played three songs off his debut album, and then briefly met with Sam.
"I've been writing since I was five. Writing poems and then turning them into stories, and them those poem/stories turn into songs," Sam told CBS4.
Sam soaked up all the inspiration he could during his time with Ondara.
"I just figure out a melody and then once it gets into my head, I put it to a song," Sam explained.
Music is a safe space for Sam as he lives in foster care and hopes to one day be adopted.
"It helps me like cope sometimes, and it gets me like learning, because I've always wanted to write music," Sam said.
Sam hopes to one day work in music professionally.