Von Miller Part Of The 'Geek Squad'
LONE TREE, Colo. (CBS4)- Super Bowl 50 MVP Von Miller is helping those who need help with technology. He visited the Best Buy in Lone Tree on Sunday as a new member of the Geek Squad.
Miller surprised many customers who were doing some back to school shopping and didn't expect to see the Denver Broncos player dressed in a white shirt and tie walking around the store.
"I was here to buy my daughter some electronics for school. A computer, a camera and a calculator... yeah, I wasn't expecting this at all," said Best Buy customer Gina Pira.
"I think the perception of being a geek has, you know, what separates geeks apart," said Miller.
Miller has been going through Geek Squad training since April.
Sunday was his debut as a full agent just ahead of a commercial campaign for Best Buy.