After a sunny weekend in Colorado, unsettled weather moves back in

Work On Twin Tunnels Lasting Until End Of The Year

IDAHO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) – Construction at the Twin Tunnels to widen the westbound tunnel and make it safer for drivers will last until December.

For the next nine months drivers heading in and out of the high country will have to travel a slightly different route on Interstate 70.

The Colorado Department of Transportation is working to widen the westbound bore of the twin tunnels.

"Very similar to what happened in the eastbound project where they widened it from two to three lanes that continued all the way down to the Floyd Hill area, this is just widening the actual tunnel," said Crystal Morgan from CDOT.

While that's being done people driving west will detour through the eastbound tunnel and those traveling west will be diverted around the tunnels.

"What this is doing is saving the state about $7 million," said Morgan.

According to CDOT it's a money saving project because when it comes time to widen the interstate, a large chuck of the job will already be done.

"Because they already have the equipment up there and the detour in place, and we have the staging already ready, we were able to move in and do this quickly and save the state a lot of money," said Morgan.

While it's a potentially money saving project for the state it's likely to be a headache for drivers.

Heavy delays are expected in the area especially when crews begin more rock blasting work this summer.

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