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Traffic Blimp Launches After Glitch Postponed Initial Flight

DENVER (CBS4) - A traffic blimp finally launched on Wednesday morning after a glitch delayed the initial launch on Tuesday. The Colorado Department of Transportation plans to use the blimp to monitor traffic.

The blimp went up into the air to give CDOT a wonderful view of the traffic over Interstate 25 and I-70 -- referred to as the mousetrap -- and then of I-76 and the various ramps located on I-76, I-270, and U.S. 36.

On Tuesday, the blimp had a glitch with the GPS unit on board. The GPS was supposed to cut a hole in the blimp in case the aircraft gets away. But the blimp didn't get away before the GPS cut a hole in it.

The blimp was repaired and re-launched on Wednesday. A camera hangs from the bottom to give CDOT a birds-eye view of the Denver metro area's traffic patterns.

CDOT decided to try the blimp because its cost is about $50,000 compared to one CDOT camera price tag of $200,000. Plus the blimp is mobile which makes it versatile.

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